Beck Technology Gives Back

Preconstruction is the foundation of building and Beck Technology firmly believes we are helping build projects for happier and healthier communities through our innovative construction estimating software. Our core values of passion, innovation, and caring also means we want and need to do more than providing a preconstruction platform that assists with construction projects breaking ground. 

A few years ago Beck Technology started an internal company initiative called “Beck Tech Cares”. Each month employees give their fellow teammates kudos for exhibiting our company core values. The electronic submissions are then read by the nominator at a monthly company lunch. At the culmination of the lunch, one individual is selected to be that month’s honoree. That person is allocated money from Beck Technology to give to an organization they feel improves our communities. 

Some of the kudos given during the monthly luncheons include going the extra mile for a customer, finding a more efficient way to do a company process, leading the effort of creating a baby gift basket for a new parent, and team members checking in on each other during virtual coffees. 

This tradition not only celebrates our core values of passion, innovation, and caring but also builds community. Community among our team members by raising each other up when they do great stuff as well as gives back to the communities that we live, play, and work in. Some of the organizations our team members have donated to through our Beck Tech Cares program are below. 



Some organizations, like The Bridge North Texas, are specific to the needs of the areas our employees live and work in. Others, like the WAAW Foundation and Operation Smile, work to benefit people across the nation and even the globe. Our honorees are asked to give a brief explanation of why they chose their specific charity, and the reasons for deciding on a certain charity are incredible. For some, they wanted to show gratitude to an organization that helped them or their family in a time of need. For others, they were moved by someone else's story of how an issue impacted them, and chose a charity dedicated to trying to solve that issue. Most importantly, everyone at Beck Technology believes that by bettering our communities, we not only help create a kinder world filled with greater opportunities, but we also give people the chance to truly pursue the life and passions they want - and who knows, that might one day include joining us in the world of construction.

As we keep moving forward, we hope that this tradition at Beck Technology continues to remind us of our most deeply held values, as well as the understanding that business isn't just about what you do - it's also about who you are, on and off the clock.

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